Posted on Apr 06, 2022
Easter approaches, and once again we’re invited to think about life and death.  What is it to be alive?  It’s not just a theological question.  It’s a question that affects how we tackle each day.  It’s also a question that affects our Club. 
What is to be alive?  I guess we could say that, on the surface, a successful Club is one where the members are satisfied and the accounts balance.  Everything flows smoothly. No waves. No anxiety. Universal contentment.  And we have our four fundamental principles as our strength and stay: ‘Is it the truth? Is it fair? does it build goodwill and better friendships? Is it beneficial to all concerned?’
However, the spirit of Easter and its search for new life might suggest how we could elaborate on these principles.  Yes, Rotary exists to be the place where we proclaim our Four Ways, but the trick is to create the kind of life that flows from them.  And this life could well be tested by asking ourselves these four questions.
First, is it new?  Are we breaking new ground? Are we actively looking for new areas to engage with, new challenges to embrace, new needs to tackle, new concerns to help alleviate?
Secondly, is it excessive?  Is what we’re doing exceeding our expectations?    Is our generosity more than ever we could have imagined?   Is our commitment pushing our boundaries as never before?  Is our reach into the community an extra-ordinary reach, beyond what we might consider to be just adequate.
Thirdly, does it bring joy?  Through our contacts and projects are we doing our best to set people free from what deadens them and makes them sad or fearful?   If what we deliver doesn’t bring happiness and joy and help people throw off what’s getting them down and making it possible for them to get to a better place where they can enjoy life, then that’s not Rotary.
Fourthly, does it promote love and care? Which means, does it open up for us the possibility of living, not so much for ourselves, but for others?  Anything that claims to promote Rotary and doesn’t promote love, isn’t Rotary.
Four things to think about as we reflect on Rotary and new life – are we extending our boundaries and undertaking projects we’d never thought of before; are we going beyond all reasonable expectations; are we bringing joy to others and giving them a renewed hope for a better life, and are we caring for others as much, or even more, than we care for ourselves?
Our proud Club record is testimony to the fact that we have ticked these boxes over a long period.  Yet, from time to time, it’s worth a check.



Perth Rotary Business Lunch | Friday 8 April 2022 

Join us at the Parmelia Hilton Hotel for world renown, award winning author and commentator Geoffrey Thomas.

Thinking of heading overseas?  A not to be missed meeting.  Please book on line by clicking on this link


Perth Rotary Business Lunch | Friday 15 April 2022 | No Lunch Meeting - Easter Break

Perth Rotary Business Lunch | Friday 22 April 2022 | 

Join us at the Parmelia Hilton Hotel to hear Janice Standen speak on the struggles of Grandparents raising grandchildren.  Please book on line by clicking on this link
Across Australia, grandparents are raising, nurturing, and supporting grandchildren. They have become grandparent carers or ‘second time around parents’ for many reasons, and almost all of them are traumatic.  Domestic violence, mental health disorders, alcohol and drug abuse, death, or abandonment and in some cases sadly, the physical and sexual abuse of our children. This is the reality of what is happening across our country, in every State and Territory. Across ALL cultures and ALL socio-economic groups. These grandparents strive each day, working with all they have, to give these beautiful young people the start to their lives their parents are unable to.