We will have a Club Connection meeting on December 2 – please come along to find ways to get involved in projects that the club is running and to scope out future projects.
This special kind of meeting is as a result of member feedback from the Club Assembly.
We will investigate the implementation of a Perth Rotary mentoring program which will run for the remainder of my year as President as a pilot project.
We will be working on a new project about supporting the delivery of Mental Health First Aid courses in Perth and with the regional clubs of Albany, Kununurra, Moora and our neighbouring club, Elizabeth Quay – using the District Grant funds.
We have had a wonderful month of October culminating with the End Polio Dinner in collaboration with the Rotary Club of Crawley on 27th of this month. Noting that World Polio Day was 24th October. We enjoyed hearing from an eclectic panel who have all been affected by polio as children in the 1950’s and 1960’s, including District Governor, Ineke Oliver.
Members have been busy in preparation for future events and project areas such as the Vienna Pops, Steeltoes and Stilettos and the Path of Hope Foundation.
Please get behind the club and the project areas to continue to do what we do in the community.
Yours in Rotary
Maree Gooch
President | Perth Rotary 2022/23
(Latest News Stories are located and accessible on the “Home Page” of the Perth Rotary Website: https://rotaryperth.org.au/ )
Next Week:
Perth Rotary Luncheon | Justin Langer | Q & A Session | Leading the Ship: Leading in the Modern World
Tickets: https://www.trybooking.com/CDNGR
Upcoming dates for your Diary:
(Information on Upcoming Speakers & Events are available on the “Speaker & Events Tab” of the Perth Rotary Website: https://rotaryperth.org.au/events/ )
Friday 11th November (Lunch)
Remembrance Day with Legacy WA – CEO Matt Granger
Tickets: https://www.trybooking.com/CDSFQ
Friday 18th November 2022 (Lunch)
Dr Bec Wellard | Australian Wildlife Conservancy & Special presentation by Path of Hope: Interns & Volunteers: Blake Bond, Jessica Yang & Kyla Geneff
Tickets: https://www.trybooking.com/CDPCM
Friday 18th November 2022 (evening)
Reflections Event| Stealtoes & Stilettos
Thursday 24th November 2022 (evening meeting)
Spotlight Panel:
Marco Camer-Pesci, Maree Masamayor, Ken Mullins (Give a Feed)
Friday 25th November 2022 (afternoon)
IFYR & Perth Rotary | Blessing of the Fleet 2022
RSVP/Book a spot on a boat: EM: "'Larry Hirsch'" larryh@chartermortgage.com.au
Tuesday 6 December 2022 - Rotary Means Business Christmas Breakfast.
Friday 16th December 2022 - Perth Rotary Family Christmas Breakfast 2022
Tickets: https://www.trybooking.com/CDDXJ
Saturday 31st December 2022 – Perth Rotary Vienna Pops New Year’s Eve Concerts 2022 (Matinee & Evening Gala)
Perth Rotary Board & Leadership Team 2022-2023 & Contact emails:
(Information on “Club Executives” is available on the “Members – Club Executives Tab” of the Perth Rotary Website: https://rotaryperth.org.au/clubexecutives)
President 2022-2023: Maree Gooch president@rotaryperth.org.au
Past President: Rev. John Shepherd john.h.shepherd@bigpond.com
President Elect: Linken Fragomeli Linken.Fragomeli@mkttax.com.au
Secretary: Nicola Johnson Secretary@rotaryperth.org.au
Treasurer: Michael Willett treasurer@rotaryperth.org.au
Community: David Wee community@rotaryperth.org.au
International: Wesley Sims international@rotaryperth.org.au
Vocational: Jon Bilson vocational@rotaryperth.org.au
Club Service: Frank Ye & Linken Fragomeli (shared) club: clubservice@rotaryperth.org.au
Youth: Manu Gupta youth@rotaryperth.org.au