MEMBERs are invited.......
This Week:
We look forward to hearing from Lizz Clarke, who is a registered nurse working as the Support Network Coordinator at Reflections.org.au, a key project of Perth Rotary. Lizz assists individuals and families affected by mesothelioma (meso, like the soup; thee-lee O ma) – a terminal cancer caused by asbestos.
In 2020, Lizz’s husband, Dr Colin Clarke, died at age 45 from Mesothelioma. Lizz will share her frustrations and challenges in constantly adjusting to a new “normal.” She will share how she intersects her professional and lived experience to provide a unique, in-depth understanding of the needs of individuals, family, and friends. And how she is able to remind them that there is still much laughter, joy and hope to be found on the path ahead.
Lizz will present a brief introduction to her and Colin's story and the challenges they faced when navigating a terminal illness. She will include lessons learnt along the way and how she uses her lived experience to help others. Particularly:
* Why there is a need for specialist support for those affected by Mesothelioma;
* How Reflections does it and what that it means;
* An introduction to the new Reflections project - the HOPE COMPANION PROJECT - and how it will bring hope and support to those affected by mesothelioma in regional areas.
The following week we welcome: Sarah Macaulay, Acting General Manager, Social Impact within RAC’s Social and Community Impact division.
She has a BSc (Hons) Environmental Science (First Class) and is a Chartered Transport Planning Professional with 19 years’ industry experience from the UK and Australia. She joined RAC in 2013, and prior to that worked in consultancy.
At RAC, Sarah is responsible for providing strategic leadership, advice, and support to drive credible and meaningful outcomes from RAC’s social impact activities towards a safer, sustainable and connected future for Western Australians. Her current portfolio spans public policy, demonstration projects (such as RAC’s Automated Vehicle Program and the RAC Electric Highway), social impact measurement and reporting, and organisational sustainability. Sarah was the author of RAC’s inaugural Social and Community Impact Report 2020/21, which showcases the impactful initiatives and activities RAC has delivered in working towards its Purpose, Vision and Mission.
To attend this lunch, please book on line - https://www.trybooking.com/CBMFF

- Tuesday 2 August - Rotary Means Business | Tenille Bentley. https://events.humanitix.com/rmbtb
- Friday 5 August - Rotary Business Lunch | Lizz Clarke, Reflections Through Reality https://www.trybooking.com/CBLTD
- Monday 8 August - Club Assembly Meeting | 5.30pm, Lv5/110 William St, Perth.
- Friday 12 August - Rotary Business Lunch | Sarah Macaulay, the Way of the Future | Electric Cars https://www.trybooking.com/CBMFF
- Saturday 13 August - District Finals, 4 Way Speaking Competition www.trybooking.com/CAYUM
- Wednesday 24 August - Sir Wallace Kyle Oration. www.eventbrite.com.au/e/353575151797
- Thursday 27 October - Liquid Gold Polio joint meeting with Crawley Rotary Club.
- Tuesday 6 December - Rotary Means Business Xmas Breakfast.
- Friday 16 December - Perth Rotary Xmas Breakfast.