Unfortunately due to the Public Holiday, the difficult decision has been made to cancel the planned event launch.
Please continue to check emails and newsletters about the event. Ticket Sales will still begin on 23 September, 2022, so please watch out for this.
Recently I attended the Rotary Means Business evening event and those present heard from Dr Ken Michael AC. Ken shared some memories – with everyone present enthralled as he shared snippets from his life
From humble beginnings growing up in Northbridge and building interesting structures with his Meccano sets (expanding each year through subsequent gifts) and his family and friends, which led to the development of his underlying and fundamental life purpose, of making a difference in society.
The underlying values of Integrity, Respect and Trust have helped guide him, as has the Rotary 4 Way Test – with Ken saying “Rotary is pretty special” when asked about his long commitment to Rotary over the past 3 decades.
Ken attended the University of Western Australia, to a career as a Civil Engineer, then as a Commissioner of Main Road. He also spoke of his time consulting in Geraldton.

He recalled being asked to and accepting the role of Governor of Western Australia, together with Mrs Michael by his side the whole time – a true partnership. In fact, together they spent a great deal of time in regional Western Australia bridging the gap (pun intended) between the metropolitan area and the regions. Ken said “We will not start our transit from Perth, we will go forth and work from the outside boundaries of the state, working backwards from the regions to Perth and visit the communities of Western Australia”.
Finally we heard from the Rotary Means Business compere for the evening, Past President of Perth Rotary Club, John Garland summarised… Ken Michael’s achievements are many; his principles and values are second to none and his compassion for humanity is vast.
Please book in and attend the planned Club Assembly on 30 September, 2022. https://www.trybooking.com/CCQVU
- Your presence and your input is very important as the Perth Rotary Club evolves.
- We will start at 12 noon sharp and continue to 2 pm. The meeting will be a ‘working lunch’ style meeting.
- District Governor, Ineke Oliver will also be attending.
- We will enjoy a facilitated session about what to keep, what to let go and what to do differently. This will take approximately 1 hour.
- Watch out for the Member Survey and please respond.
- If you are unable to attend, please send a comment back to me by email by 4 pm on 28th September, and it will be tabled.
Yours in Rotary
Maree Gooch
President | Perth Rotary 2022/23
This Week:
Day of Mourning for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II | No Rotary Meeting.
Next Week:
Friday 30 September | Club Assembly Meeting
Upcoming Rotary Meetings - Please add to your calendar now.
Friday 7 October | Leonora Flower, Guide Dog WA Information Session
Booking/RSVP Link | https://www.trybooking.com/CCTMZ
Friday 14 October | Perth Rotary AGM & Club Meeting
Booking/RSVP Link | https://www.trybooking.com/CCYGX

Please check the attached stories for details of events coming up.
Regionalisation Pilot Project | Please let President Maree know how you would like her to vote on behalf of the Perth Rotary Membership in relation to this pilot project by Wednesday, 21 September.
An email was sent to all members on Friday 16 September advising members of the Regionalisation Pilot Project. Please refer to this email.
Our region, Zone 8, which includes Australia, New Zealand, and several Pacific and other Island nations, was approved by the Rotary International Board to be one of two regions to pilot a regional approach to governance. For the past three years, a group of members have been working on a pilot project to consider how we can enhance Rotary and Rotaract to ensure we remain relevant for the future and to raise the profile of Rotary and engage with the community while also addressing some of the challenges we have been facing.
Each club has one vote, submitted by the President of the club. The vote must reflect the will of the club membership. Therefore it is very important that you vote.
Please ensure you read the appropriate information and provide your vote by Wednesday, September 21, 2022.
The link for Perth Rotary Members to provide their preference to President Maree is included in the original email. If you have not received, please contact President Maree direct - president@rotaryperth.org.au
As part of Rotary International Board's approval process, this project can only proceed with the support of Rotarians in the region. Ensuring that President Maree knows your preference and is then able to vote on behalf of the club is important and matters.
- Full details can be found at https://creatingtomorrowrotary.org/
- Just the bare facts: https://creatingtomorrowrotary.org/s/Fact-Sheet-8-June.pdf
- Frequently Asked Questions https://creatingtomorrowrotary.org/faq
Upcoming dates for your Diary:
- Friday 30 September | Club Assembly Meeting with DG Ineke Oliver. https://www.trybooking.com/CCQVU
- Friday 7 October | Leonora Flower, Guide Dog WA Information Session https://www.trybooking.com/CCTMZ
- Friday 14 October | Club AGM. https://www.trybooking.com/CCYGX
- Saturday 15 October - RAWCS Expo Day. Email comms.western@rawcs.org.au
- Thursday 27 October - Liquid Gold Polio joint meeting with Crawley Rotary Club.
- Tuesday 6 December - Rotary Means Business Xmas Breakfast.
- Friday 16 December - Perth Rotary Xmas Breakfast.